For the second iteration of the ArtScienceHack in 2016, we decided to bring our art, design, science, engineering, and data skills together to work on a single project for 48 hours. We had very minimal exposure to the processing language prior to starting this, but I had experience building things in many other languages. Processing is a good first language to learn for designers and artists so we started there.
Read more about the first ArtScienceHack here.
Rapidly learn the basics of processing and make an interactive model of plant growth that takes human movement as input to the model.
Overall the hackathon was a success. We had an interactive model of plant growth that had a fundamental trade-off function built in. This trade-off is visualized as the root:shoot ratio using hand control through the hacked xbox connect controller.
ArtScienceHack-v-2.0 Plant Growth Model Xbox Connect Hack
Code available here.