Sci-Comm Projects

data journalism
–Visual and Written Communications Projects

January 1, 2023

Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) Career Workshop Sketchnote

Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) Career Workshop Sketchnote

This project consists of managing content creation for the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) through social media, email newsletters, and annual reports. This project extends my research at Environmental Change Fellowship research at BIDS through the creation of a series of long-form articles that include infographics, data visualizations and illustrations aimed at a general scientific audience. Additionally, I am collaborating with BIDS affiliated scientists to make research summaries in the form of sketchnotes, visual abstracts and short articles aimed at a general science audience to help fulfill broader impacts goals of grants. Additionally, attending professional data science meetings and doing live sketchnotes like the one pictured above.

As part of this role I am co-hosting a series of workshops for graduate students and post-docs on the use of Quarto on static document publishing and reproducible data analysis for environmental and data journalism projects.